Stupid Drunken Labor Monkees: July 2005

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

okay whatever
this is retarded

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Congratulations Mikey

Get ready to be welcomed to the real, exciting, and glamourous world of male nursing. Where everyday is like wiping the ass of your invalid grandmother....
ha ha ha
no seriously con-rats buddy
im just jellous cause i cant get A REAL JOB yet

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

i think i am going to disable this thing
I'll give it a week...
nobody's talking

Friday, July 15, 2005

This is how big of a nerd I am

Hi guys
well this weekend, Ill pretty much be tied up on fri-saturday
cause harry potter is coming out finally
yeah so what, I like the book wanna fight about it?
any way goob and I saw charlie and the chocolate factory tonight and let me just say this
it was fricken hilarious
Im starting a new religion where tim and depp are near the center of it all... give those pesky islams something constructive to do... like see movies that totally rock!
if i wasn't laughing i had a big dumb grin on my face the entire time
(goob just had his smirk... you know the one im talking about)
peace out